The Munson Lab presents at BMES 2021 in Orlando
Several Munson Lab members presented at the BMES conference in Orlando during October 2021. Graduate researchers Kinsley Tate, Cora...

Cora Esparza wins IIE-GIRE fellowship to conduct research in Spain
Graduate student, Cora Esparza, will be packing her bags and moving to Spain for 5 months in Spring 2022. She was recently awarded an...

Jenny and Chase interviewed on NPR
Jenny and Chase headed to the radio studio on campus to be interviewed about our recent work on both manipulation of the meningeal...

Jenny presents at Society for Neuro-Oncology
Returning to her college hometown, Jenny presented work completed by Kathryn Kingsmore, Chase Cornelison, and Caleb Stine at the Society...

Munson Lab at BMES 2018!
The Munson Lab is excited to be presenting at BMES in Atlanta! Check out our posters and presentations in three tracks (Neural...

Munson Presents at Virginia Nanosymposium
Jenny recently presented on our tissue engineered tumor microenvironment models at the Second Annual Virginia Nanosymposium in Roanoke,...