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The Munson Lab presents at BMES 2021 in Orlando

Several Munson Lab members presented at the BMES conference in Orlando during October 2021.

Graduate researchers Kinsley Tate, Cora Esparza, and Naciye Atay gave podium presentations on their work spanning glioblastoma and Alzheimer's Disease. Graduate students Aileen Suarez, Jenn Hammel, and Savieay Esparza presented posters on their work on lymphatics, disease models, and women's health. Dr. Monet Roberts also gave a remote presentation and chaired a session on the tumor microenvironment.

This year, Dr. Munson co-chaired the brand new track on Women's Health which featured research on biomechanics, tissue engineering, sex specific differences, women's cancers, and other topics related to this vastly understudied topic. Munson Lab members also participated in many of the Diversity Committee sponsored activities and had a blast at taking in the Orlando theme parks (and reuniting with some lab alums!).

It was an exciting year for BMES even if things were still a bit different. We can't wait until next year and another great slate of presentations!


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