Welcome new Biomedical Engineering graduate students!
The Munson Lab welcomes three new PhD students this fall:
Kinsley Tate, MS joins us from East Carolina University where she completed her Master's working on mini-brains. She'll be working closely with Postdoc, Chase Cornelison, to examine glial-tumor interactions!

Naciye Atay joins us from UNC-Chapel Hill. Naciye will be working closely with graduate student, Caleb Stine, and with Kathy Luker's team at the University of Michigan as she examines the role of CXCR4 and CXCL12 in modulation of flow-mediated invasion.

Savieay Esparza will be co-advised by Dr. Munson and Dr. Scott Verbridge (LITE Lab @VT) and will be working on developing new tissue engineered models of the vascular-tumor niche incorporating Dr. Verbridge's expertise in blood vasculature with Dr. Munson's in lymphatic vasculature. Savieay joins us from New Mexico Tech.

We're super excited to have such a great set of graduate students starting with us this year in the Munson Lab! They will all be part of the VT-WF Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program. Stay tuned for great things to come from these three!